EVERCELL Luxe Skin Charger
Good things now come in small, round packages.
The Evercell Luxe Skin Charger is a prime testament to this (new) old saying. Laboriously crafted as the perfect partner to the skin serum of your choice, this product aims to undo damage done to the epidermis cells that line the outermost layer of your skin.
Created from a patented blend of stem cell extracts, The Evercell Luxe Skin Charger’s repair work is extensive enough to even soften skin scarring, above its antioxidizing and cell protection qualities.
Expect the pleasant experience of plumper and firmer complexion as well, with Nidogen, a collagen-stimulating protein thrown right in this sumptuous mix. With time being of the essence here, multilayered liposome technology adds that efficient touch to this product - looking visibly younger doesn’t have to be an aging wait anymore.
All in all, a small package that packs a deluxe anti-aging purpose. Use daily and see visibly younger looking skin in 14 days!
0.018g x 14 ea.
What I love:
- I love to mix this with my favourite SW1 ampoule to boost my skin health!
- It really gives my skin a oomph before an important function
- It helped my skin heal much faster!
How to use
Mix Luxe Cell Charger comes in a potent freeze dried powdered ball. Remove ball from packet insert and mix it with a pump of your favorite SW1 serum once daily. Apply to face, neck, and decolletage and finish with a moisturizer.